
I’m very honored to have teamed up with such an amazing cartoonist, Walter Carzon.  Whos work can be seen in a number of Looney Toons, Tom & Jerry and Scooby-Doo comics (DC comics) as well as collaborating on the Space Jam: A New Legacy movie.  He knows his stuff and how to tell a story with a drawing.

For years I’ve been asked if I can draw commissions for people, but had to turn them down because I haven’t put a pencil in my hand in over 25 years. In the comic industry I’m a colorist.  So I would do coloring commissions.  But now however, for the first time, I’ve teamed up with this amazing artist/cartoonist to give you your very own commissions.  So now,  if you ask me if I can do a commission for you…the answer is, YES.

So here’s how this works:

  • Tell me what you’d like done (character(s), specific poses if any, etc.)
  • I’ll send my notes to Walter to do a rough sketch of the idea
  • He’ll send that back to me to get approval by you
  • Then when approved, he’ll start the final drawing
  • When he’s finished, he’ll send the image to me to get hand colored using markers and matted up
  • Then I ship it off to you or hand it off to you

That’s it!  Pretty simple.

Oh yes, ALL commissions come matted in a 11×14 black/white V-Groove mat (to add that little extra special to the piece).

Here’s the FULL Price Sheet:

* One Character (full body and colors)       $150
* Two Characters (full body and colors)     $170-$190
* Three Characters (full body and colors)  $225-$250


* Payment is due before work begins

* Delivery time may vary due to artist’s schedule (don’t worry, if it’s going to be later than expected, I’ll keep in touch with you)

What we CAN do:
– Fan Art, Original Characters, Children’s Illustrations, Cartoon Style/Characters

What we DON’T do:
– Portraits, Realistic Drawing, Caricatures, Logos, Anime, Porn, Violence

All commissions will have both artist’s signatures on it
I will also hand sign the piece too

We do reserve the right to use the artwork as part of our personal portfolio
We do reserve the right to post the finished commission in our personal gallery

So that pretty much wraps it up.

I know it’s a lot of info, but please, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at: